How to Safeguard Your Home with Critter Control Methods

Are you tired of dealing with pesky critters invading your home? From mice to raccoons, unwanted guests can cause damage and create an unsanitary living environment. Thankfully, there are ways to keep these critters out without having to hire an expensive exterminator. Follow these 5 critter control methods to safeguard your home and keep the invaders at bay.

1. Keep it clean

A messy home is an open invitation for pests to move in. Crumbs, spills, and clutter make for great hiding places and food sources for critters, so stay on top of cleaning to prevent them from setting up shop in your home.

2. Seal the entry points

Critters can squeeze through even the smallest cracks and gaps, so make sure to seal up any potential entry points. This includes holes in walls or floors, gaps under doors, and broken screens on windows.

3. Use natural deterrents

Instead of resorting to harsh chemicals to keep critters away, try using natural deterrents such as peppermint oil or vinegar. These scents are unpleasant for critters and can help keep them at bay.

4. Install motion-activated lights

Various nocturnal animals, such as raccoons and mice, are known to roam around during the night. By strategically placing motion-activated lights around your property, you can effectively discourage these creatures from approaching too closely.

5. Trim your trees and shrubs

Critters can use overhanging branches or shrubs as a way to access your home, so keep them trimmed and away from the sides of your house. This will also prevent critters from using them as hiding spots.

Now, these methods may not make your home completely critter-proof, but they should significantly decrease the chances of suffering this headache.

Most Common Pests in the United States

In addition to common critters such as rats, mice, and raccoons, it is important to be aware of other prevalent pests in the United States.

Mosquitoes: These troublesome insects not only cause irritating bites but can also transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika.

Bed Bugs: These tiny bugs can infest your home and cause itchy, red bites. They are notoriously challenging to eliminate and can swiftly escalate into a significant issue.

Termites: These small insects have the potential to inflict substantial harm to the integrity of your residence if not properly addressed. Regular inspections and treatments are essential for preventing termite infestations.

Cockroaches: Not only are these bugs unsightly, but they can also carry bacteria and create an unsanitary living environment.

So, keep these pests in mind and take necessary precautions to protect your home from unwanted critters. By exerting some effort and remaining vigilant, it is possible to keep a household free from critters. Additionally, in the event of unsuccessful attempts, seeking assistance from professionals is always a viable option, whether critter control in Sarasota, FL, or Phoenix, AZ. 

Remember, prioritizing prevention over cure is crucial when dealing with critters. Implement these control methods to effectively keep pesky invaders at bay. By taking a proactive approach, you can minimize the chances of uninvited critters infiltrating your home. This will always be beneficial news!